An Insurance Agency

Specializing in

Federal and Postal Employee Supplemental Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Life, Dental, Accident, Hospital and Cancer Care Plans & Retirement Planning

Providing invaluable insurance plans in every state for more than 16 years.

An Insurance Agency

Specializing In

Federal and Postal Employee Supplemental Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Life, Dental, Accident, Hospital and Cancer Care Plans & Retirement Planning

Providing invaluable insurance plans in every state for more than 16 years.

An Insurance Agency

Specializing In

Federal and Postal Employee Supplemental Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Life, Dental, Accident, Hospital and Cancer Care Plans & Retirement Planning

Providing invaluable insurance plans in every state for more than 16 years.

Latest kind words from our clients

Insurance Plans Designed for Federal & Postal Market

We are a National Alliance for Federal Employee Benefits (NAFEB) -

We are an insurance agency here to help Federal and Postal employees with guaranteed issue disability, supplemental income plans & retirement planning through payroll deduction. From requesting a quote to availing a custom package that fits all of your needs, we are your choice for all things related to supplemental insurance!


What We Do

Our plans are for all federal employees, including payroll deducted and discounted rates. Unlike other companies that provide limited plans, we provide plans that are from a wide variety of companies to fit your needs.  We provide options so you can get what you truly want.

Our Policies

We are proud to be able to offer numerous insurance policies for federal employees. As independent agents, we combine different quotes that are provided by some of the most reasonable insurance rates that meet your needs.

Short-Term Disability Plans

​These policies help in making you and your family receive income in case something happens to you. These plans can pay up to one year in benefits per incident. We have custom packages and with a simple consultation we let you know what your options are, we have you covered.

We have the ability to get you guaranteed issued disability insurance and payroll deduction through multiple companies, making us a unique business in the federal and postal market. Disability amounts if you qualify can be up to $12,000 a month.

These policies help in making you and your family receive income in case something happens to you. These plans can pay up to one year in benefits per incident. We have custom packages and with a simple consultation we let you know what your options are, we have you covered.

We have the ability to get you guaranteed issued disability insurance and payroll deduction through multiple companies, making us a unique business in the federal and postal market. Disability amounts if you qualify can be up to $12,000 a month tax rate (not to exceed more than 60% of your growth monthly income). It pays in addition to any accumulative sick time.

Insurance Services

  • Disability Insurance for Federal Employees

    This service is portable and has no contracts needed. Get a custom quote for you!

  • Unique Plan Choices

    We offer our plan for all federal employees * Some policies have age restrictions

  • Consultants

    Our team can help you decide what your needs might call for. You can choose what makes the most sense for you from our various plans.

  • Knowledge

    We have years of experience in the market of insurance for federal employees. Our reliable staff will explain all the possible solutions you can have.

  • S p o u s e   D i s a b i l i t y

  • S h o r t - T e r m   D i s a b i l i t y

  • L o n g - T e r m   D i s a b i l i t y

  • A c c i d e n t

  • H o s p i t a l   C o n f i n e m e n t   I n d e m n i t y

  • C a n c e r

  • L u m p S u m   C r i t i c a l I l l n e s s

  • T e l e m e d i c i n e

  • L i f e

  • D e n t a l

  • L u m p S u m   C a n c e r

  • J u v e n i l e  L i f e

  • V i s i o n

  • M e n t a l   H e a l t h   C o u n s e l i n g

  • R e t i r e m e n t   P l a n n i n g   S e r v i c e s

  • H o m e  & A u t o   S e r v i c e s

Short-Term Disability Insurance is Essential

In the event that you cannot work due to sickness, maternity or injury, we can assist you with income. Our plans can pay you while the health insurance pays the doctor.

One thing we cannot do is go back in time to cover you. That is why the best time to contact us is before you need us.

Contact Us

If you are diagnosed with a disability, we can cover you starting from the first day your plan is active.

This depends on the plan you choose.

Call us today at  (855) 243-3498 or (845) 366-3630. We usually respond to your request within 24 hours!